Bedbugs are small parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are called bedbugs because they are often found in and around beds and other areas where people sleep. While bedbugs are a nuisance, they are not known to transmit diseases.
Adult bedbugs are about the size of an apple seed (around 4-5 millimeters in length) and have flat, oval-shaped bodies. They are usually brown in color, but after feeding on blood, their bodies become reddish and swollen.
Bedbugs feed on blood, usually biting exposed areas of skin while their hosts are asleep. Their bites are painless but can cause itchy red welts on the skin. However, not everyone reacts to bedbug bites, so it's possible to have an infestation without noticeable bite marks.
Bedbugs can infest both residential and commercial properties, including homes, hotels, dormitories, and even public transportation. They can be transported through luggage, clothing, or used furniture, making it easy for them to spread.
Bedbugs are primarily active at night and tend to hide during the day in crevices and cracks. They are attracted to body heat and carbon dioxide, which is why they are often found in beds and bedding.
Control and eradication
Eliminating bedbugs can be challenging, and professional pest control from De'Kriminators is often necessary. Treatment may involve a combination of methods, including thorough cleaning, vacuuming, cleaning, and the use of insecticides.
Signs of a bedbug infestation include the presence of live bugs, moulted exoskeletons, dark spots (feacal stains) on bedding or furniture, and a sweet, musty odour in infested areas.