Wood Borer Management

Wood borers, often overlooked pests, pose a significant threat to wooden structures and furnishings, compromising both aesthetics and structural integrity. They silently but relentlessly cause damage, leading to economic loss and potential safety issues. 
Signs of a wood borer infestation may include small holes in the wood surface, fine sawdust-like frass (excrement) near the holes, weak or damaged wood, and the presence of adult beetles or larvae. It's important to note that not all wood borers are visible to the naked eye, as some larvae can be deep within the wood.
If you suspect a wood borer infestation, it's recommended to consult with a professional pest control service by De'Kriminators with an experienced entomologist. They can accurately identify the type of wood borer and provide appropriate treatment options. Treatment typically involves the application of insecticides into the wood using special injection / surface treatment methods to eliminate the larvae and prevent further damage.


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